Welcoming a rescue dog into your home is a rewarding and fulfilling experience

However, it can also present unique challenges: rescue dogs often come with their own histories and quirks. Understanding how to approach rescue dog training can really help them to adjust and thrive in their new environment. Here are some tips and common challenges to keep in mind when training a rescue dog.

Understanding Your Rescue Dog

Rescue dogs may have varied backgrounds, including previous neglect, abuse, or simply a lack of training. These experiences can shape their behaviour and responses to new situations. Understanding and patience are crucial as you work to build a trusting relationship with your new pet.

Tips for Training a Rescue Dog

Establish Trust and Bonding

Patience is Key: Allow your dog to acclimate to their new environment at their own pace. Avoid overwhelming them with too many new experiences all at once.

Consistent Routine: Dogs thrive on routine. Establishing a consistent feeding, walking, and bedtime schedule can help your dog feel secure.

Positive Reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and affection to reward good behaviour. Positive reinforcement helps build trust and encourages your dog to repeat desired behaviours.

Basic Obedience Training

Start with Simple Commands: Begin with basic commands like "sit," "stay," "come," and "down." These foundational commands are essential for good behaviour and safety.

Short Training Sessions: Keep training sessions short and frequent, around 5-10 minutes each. This prevents your dog from becoming overwhelmed or bored.


Gradual Exposure: Slowly introduce your dog to new people, places, and other animals. Controlled socialisation helps prevent fear and anxiety.

Controlled Environment: Use a controlled environment for socialisation, such as a fenced yard or a quiet park, to help your dog feel safe.

Addressing Specific Issues

Separation Anxiety: Many rescue dogs experience separation anxiety. Start by leaving your dog alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration. Provide them with toys and comfort items to ease their anxiety.

Fear and Aggression: If your dog displays fear or aggression, identify the triggers and work on desensitisation techniques. Professional guidance from JanB Dog Training can be invaluable in these situations.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Trust Issues

Build trust through consistent and gentle interactions. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that might startle your dog. Spend quality time together to strengthen your bond.

Housebreaking Difficulties

Treat your rescue dog like a puppy when it comes to housebreaking. Take them outside frequently and praise them for eliminating outdoors. Accidents are part of the process, so be patient and consistent.

Resource Guarding

Resource guarding can be managed by teaching your dog that good things happen when people are around their valued items. Gradually desensitise them by approaching their food or toys while offering high-value treats.

Lack of Socialisation

If a dog isn't well socialised it can become problematic for walking and meeting other people with dogs. Carefully expose your dog to new experiences and people. Provide controlled socialisation opportunities in a structured environment.

Seeking Professional Help

Training a rescue dog can be a complex process, and sometimes professional assistance is necessary. At JanB Dog Training, we offer training programs for rescue dogs. As an experienced trainer, I use positive reinforcement techniques to help your dog overcome their past and develop into a well-behaved, confident companion.

Final Thoughts

Training a rescue dog requires time, patience, and dedication, but the rewards are immense. With the right approach, you can help your rescue dog adjust to their new home and build a loving, trusting relationship. For expert guidance and support, contact JanB Dog Training today. Together, we can ensure your rescue dog has the best possible start in their new life.

If you're ready to improve your dog's general training, contact us at 01322842483 or Support@janbdogtraining.com to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to build a well-behaved, happy, and confident dog!