How to Enjoy the Outdoors with Your Dog Despite Unreliable Recall

Exploring the great outdoors with your canine companion can be one of life's greatest joys. Whether you're strolling through leafy parks, hiking scenic trails, or simply enjoying a sunny afternoon in your local green space, sharing these moments with your dog enriches both of your lives. However, if your dog's recall is unreliable, it can turn these adventures into stressful experiences. Fortunately, with the right approach, you can help your dog become more responsive to your commands and make outdoor outings enjoyable and safe.

Understanding the Challenge

Unreliable recall is a common issue many dog owners face. It often occurs when dogs are more interested in their surroundings than in responding to their owners. This can be particularly challenging in urban environments, such as South East London, where there are numerous distractions like other dogs, cyclists, and street noises. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in understanding why your dog might be ignoring your recall command and then employing strategies to address it.

1. Build a Strong Foundation with Training

The first step in improving your dog's recall is to invest time in solid training. Start in a controlled environment where there are minimal distractions. Use positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to come when called. Begin with short distances and gradually increase the challenge as your dog becomes more reliable.

Consider seeking help from professional trainers who specialise in South East London dog training. They can offer tailored advice and techniques suited to your dog's specific needs. These experts often use a combination of rewards, consistency, and patience to build a strong recall response.

2. Use High-Value Rewards

When training your dog for recall, it's crucial to use rewards that are highly motivating for them. Instead of just offering treats, consider using special toys or treats that your dog doesn't get regularly. This will make the recall command more enticing and worth responding to.

3. Practice in Various Locations

Once your dog has mastered recall in a controlled setting, start practising in different environments. Begin with low-distraction areas and gradually move to more stimulating environments. South East London offers a variety of parks and green spaces where you can create a progressive training plan, helping your dog get accustomed to responding to you amidst urban distractions.

4. Create a Safe Environment

When you're venturing into areas with potential hazards, such as busy streets or areas with wildlife, ensure your dog is safe. Use a long lead or a retractable leash to give your dog freedom while still maintaining control. This will allow your dog to explore while you continue working on their recall.

5. Be Consistent and Patient

Consistency is key in any training regimen. Make sure everyone in your household uses the same recall command and reinforces the behaviour in the same way. This prevents confusion and helps your dog learn the command more effectively. Remember, patience is essential. Some dogs take longer than others to learn, and setbacks are part of the process.

6. Incorporate Fun Activities

Keep training sessions engaging by incorporating fun activities that your dog enjoys. Use games like fetch or hide and seek to make recall practice enjoyable. This not only reinforces the command but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

7. Monitor Your Dog's Body Language

Being attentive to your dog's body language can provide valuable insights into their behaviour. If your dog seems distracted or uninterested, it may be a sign that you need to reassess your training approach. On the other hand, if your dog is responsive but still has occasional lapses, this could indicate the need for further reinforcement and practice.

8. Gradually Increase the Challenge

As your dog's recall improves, gradually increase the difficulty of the training sessions. Introduce more distractions, extend the distance, and practice in more challenging environments. This will help your dog generalise their recall response to various situations.

9. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you're struggling despite your best efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Trainers in South East London who specialise in dog behaviour can offer additional strategies and insights. They can assess your dog's specific needs and provide personalised guidance to improve their recall.

10. Enjoy the Journey

Finally, remember to enjoy the process of training and exploring with your dog. Every small victory is a step towards a more reliable recall and a more enjoyable outdoor experience. Celebrate your successes and keep a positive attitude, as this will make the training process more enjoyable for both you and your dog.


In conclusion, improving your dog's recall may take time and effort, but with the right strategies and a bit of patience, you can enjoy the great outdoors with your canine companion without constant worry. By focusing on consistent training, using high-value rewards, and practising in varied environments, you'll be well on your way to having a dog who responds reliably and joyfully to your calls.

If you're ready to improve your dog's obedience, contact us at 01322842483 or to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to build a well-behaved, happy, and confident dog!